Tuesday, April 3, 2018

New Topics for April

Kindergarten -  students will begin to locate letters and numbers on the keyboard using a program called Dance Mat Typing

First Grade - students are working on printing a document from Google Docs that incorporates inserting a picture and changing the size, style and color of text

Second Grade - students are listening to stories on storylineonline and answering questions, in complete sentences, using Google Docs

Third Grade - students are learning how to use a web browser and all of its tools (back and forward arrows, bookmarks, refresh button, search bar vs address bar and how to use key words)

Fourth Grade - students are learning how to use a web browser and all of its tools (back and forward arrows, bookmarks, refresh button, search bar vs address bar and how to use key words)

Fifth Grade - students are finishing up Google Slide presentations and are going to be sharing with their classmates over the next couple of classes

Sixth Grade - students will be using Google Sheets to create spreadsheets and charts